NUTEK project is presented in Vienna.

NUTEK project is presented in Vienna.

“Nuclear Safety and Security Culture Development for Newcomers” a dynamic project which is developed by NUTEK  was selected for presentation* during the Nuclear Security Conference – ICONS 2020.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) organized the third International Conference on Nuclear Security: Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts (ICONS 2020) — at its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, 10-14 February 2020.

Highlights from the Conference: Over 57 ministers and more than 2000 experts from over 130 countries and 35 international organizations gathered at IAEA headquarters to reaffirm their common commitment for strengthening nuclear security globally. 

During the first day of the conference; delegates adopted a declaration to enhance global nuclear security and counter the threat of nuclear terrorism and other malicious acts. In the declaration, IAEA Member States reaffirmed the common goals of nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear disarmament and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and recognized that nuclear security contributes to international peace and security.

At over 50 technical sessions during the week, experts explored a large range of technical and scientific questions.

A scientific and technical programme comprising high-level policy discussions on the overall themes central to nuclear security and parallel technical sessions on related specialized scientific, and technical, legal and regulatory issues.

The conference provided a very important forum for ministers, policymakers, senior officials and nuclear security experts to formulate and exchange views on experiences and achievements, current approaches, future directions and priorities for nuclear security.

* Nuclear Safety and Security Culture Development for Newcomers, B. Gül Göktepe,                      Necmi Dayday

Further reference:

Foto:  B. Gül GÖKTEPE

NUTEK Consultant & Member of Executive Board, Human Factors, Safety, Security Expert