Following an information meeting at the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu briefed the reporters about his government’s energy strategy. Pointing out Turkey’s dependence on imported foreign energy and the need to develop domestic supply, he stressed that the way to go was in nuclear. He said “In order not to be affected by the global energy crisis, there is a pressing necessity to develop domestic supply and therefore we must develop nuclear energy”.

He added that he gave instructions to start work on achieving full national capability to start building the third nuclear power station in the 2018 -1019 time frame, following the training and development of sufficient indigenous human resources.

Davutoglu said that Turkey can only attain an avantageous postion in energy self- sufficiency, by building nuclear power stations and that nothing had been accomplished in that regard until after the turn of the century. Noting that Turkey is both a major consumer of energy and at the crossroads of energy transit, he underlined the need for the country to transform into an energy supplier country as well. Pointing out the stability of the regimes in Azerbaijan and in the Balkans, he reiterated that the third nuclear power station would be of Turkey’s own making.

The PM explained that the geographical location of the country provides advantages in becoming a transit route for energy. The political turmoil in Ukraine and the Iraqi crisis, as well as the embargo on Iran, “have created problems for us despite the fact that we are in the middle of an energy rich region. What do we need to do then?”

“First we must increase internal energy supply to the maximum level possible, to become independent of external factors. How can we do that? NUCLEAR ENERGY is the answer. Nuclear energy is the area whereby we can increase internal energy supply in the shortest time frame, considering naturally, the environmental issues too.

Drawing attention to the fact that Turkey is not an energy rich country, Davutoğlu said that there still exists potential for further developing hydroelectric power in the rivers and streams. After consulting with the the Minister and upper level management at the ministry, he gave them instructions on what the energy strategy of the country should be, the steps needed to be taken, adding that another alternative is renewable energy and “I gave them orders to achive the maximum potential in renewables too.

Ref: Haber7- [21 Ekim 2014, 19:36] and
Enerji Günlüğü - [22.10.2014, ]