NUTEK Energy, Industry, Trade and Consulting Inc.
Gül Göktepe
She was awarded with IAEA research fellowships and worked temporarily in Argonne National Laboratory in USA and Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories in Canada. She visited various research institutes in Europe for short programmes. She initiated first probabilistic risk assessment/risk perception studies in Turkey following her training in USA and Canada. Her main research and application activities were in the area of NPP planning and feasibility studies for Turkey, environmental risk assessment of energy systems, pollution analysis and control, human reliability, disaster management, local, national, regional and global environmental issues and international nuclear policies. Over the years while working under different responsibilities as a scientist, project manager and adviser she has always given priority to PR and communication in the nuclear field. She developed and integrated communication means to her projects and has taken part actively in nuclear debates and media events. Currently she is advisor to the Founding President of NUTEK Energy Consulting, Technology and Industry Inc. Summary of work experience: In the 1980s-1990s: Her work was mainly on the NPP feasibilities for Turkey. Some of her work involved comparative energy systems analysis, NPP system studies during NPP bid evaluations, environmental risk, lake and marine pollution assessment. Following Chernobyl accident, her involvement in the environmental activities in the Black Sea region, as a scientist as well as a voluntary NGO had outstanding aspects. She has led various international projects, planned and organized international meetings, published papers and articles for the environmental pollution control, risk assessment of nuclear and other energy systems, pollution prevention and rehabilitation of natural resources mainly related to the lake and marine environment in the Black Sea region. In the 2000s-2010s: In addition to PRA / PSA (Probabilistic Risk Assessment / Probabilistic Safety Analysis) and human reliability for the safety evaluation of NPPs, she was also responsible for media and public communication activities of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. Her key qualifications / achievements were mainly on the lake and marine environmental protection activities, public communication and leadership in new projects generation for governmental authorities as well as local and regional communities. She has put forth a unique achievement as encountered in the area of her voluntary environmental NGO activities in the Black Sea region while working in the nuclear energy sector. This is a tool she developed for a dynamic approach to communicating with the public on some critical issues, such as energy, nuclear energy and environment, among the different sectors through environmental risk management projects. PR Activities in Nuclear: She has initiated and developed a PR programme of Cekmece Nuclear Research & Training Center in 1990. She took part in various TV and radio programmes and public debates in connection with nuclear power as well as application of nuclear techniques through the projects that she managed either officially or voluntarily. She was interviewed by major national or local journalists mainly on energy issues, nuclear energy debate in Turkey, risks and benefits on nuclear energy, TMI, Chernobyl, climatic issues, Black Sea marine radioactivity. 2011-2014: Nuclear attaché / diplomatic counsellor She was appointed to Permanent Mission (PM) of the Republic of Turkey to the UN and other International Organizations in Vienna in 2011. She worked as Nuclear Attaché / Counsellor for Scientific Affairs and Adviser to the Resident Representative of Turkey in Vienna. During her mission in Vienna as a diplomat, she took part in the IAEA technical activities. Mainly regarding post Fukushima projects, technical meetings on nuclear safety action plan, safety, security, safeguards and technical cooperation activities representing the government of Turkey. Publications: She is the author of approximately one hundred and thirty scientific papers presented at national and international meetings. She has also authored several articles related to NPPs and the Black Sea, published in popular journals and newspapers. Awards: She received several awards and fellowships including an international medal, the Black Sea Medal, awarded for outstanding services to protect the Black Sea environment, by UNDP GEF, BSC and BSERP in 2006. Memberships: She is a member of various national and international professional as well as voluntary societies. She is the founder and the president of WiN (Women in Nuclear) Global Turkey (NÜKAD). Personal: She was born in Sungurlu, Çorum which is a town in the historical Hittite region in the Black Sea district of Anatolia. She has one son. |